Elena White – Lititz, PA I use the pottery wheel to throw the majority of my pieces, often altering or carving them with different tools. I also do some hand building which consists of rolling out the clay to a thin slab. I then can drape it into or over a plaster mold or cut it into…Read More
Jonathan Ober
Congratulations to Partner Artist David Gibson
Posted on by Jonathan Ober

Congratulations to Partner Artist David Gibson for receiving an Honorable Mention Award at the Lancaster County Art Association 2018 Spring Membership Exhibition for his painting “Abandoned” acrylic on canvas.
Congratulations to Lititz Partner Artist Debra Smith
Posted on by Jonathan Ober

Congratulations to Lititz Partner Artist Debra Smith for her recent Second Place Award for the watercolor painting “Mosaic Tulips” at the Lancaster County Art Association Open Door Show!
Partner Artist Demo by Deb Becker
Posted on by Jonathan Ober

Stained Glass and Wood Creations Friday, August 10th 6-8pm
Bronze Sculptor Partner Artist Demo by Richard C. Frederick
Posted on by Jonathan Ober